Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pink Lady's Web Poster

Pink Lady’s Web Poster topic was very interesting to me especially since many individuals on my team and in our organization are virtual workers. I found the topic of managing conflict with virtual employees and the research about where the conflict is created and how to manage it very interesting, The web poster was organized very well and easy to read and understand. I was able to get the information quickly and easily. The research was very relevant especially with the fact that not only was there a lack of classic research on virtual teams before 2003, virtual teams were very new in 2003.


Professor Cyborg said...

Although the idea of virtual teams is fairly new, multinational organizations have relied on technology to coordinate teams for some time. Phone conferences have been used extensively, along with video conferences (much more expensive in the past due to high cost of hardware). Still, the research on virtual teams is in its infancy; much of it compares in person with online teams in fairly unsophisticated ways. Few work groups in organizations are only in person or only online. Most use multiple ways to interact and exchange information. What did you learn about managing conflict among virtual team members? How might you apply what you learned to your own team?

Sree said...

I agree with you. This was a very useful topic and one most of us come across everyday. One thing learned working with Virtual Teams is that its always better if you are leading the project to be a facilitator rather than telling them what to do and by when. If you have task you want them to do it is always better to tell them the requirements and let them come up with time lines and plan. This for some reason makes them more involved and also they finish it on time as they were the ones who came up the time line.