Saturday, September 13, 2008

Connecting with the E-market

As I was reading the information in this section of the chapter on interacting with the market using communication technology, I thought about how I interact with the organizations, when I am the “market” that they are reaching out to. I started to wonder if the availability of information, ability to purchase, request, or give feedback without ever communicating directly with another human being, has made us more anti-social.

I know that I would rather do everything online. I contact organizations, give feedback, get information about all of my accounts online. I buy everything online or at least “shop” online and then go to the store knowing exactly what I want and buy it, with none of the dilly dallying that I already did when I “shopped” online. I find that I get frustrated when I am unable to do or find something online and I have to interact directly with a person. I am a very social person but when it comes to certain things I really love the opportunity to avoid others all together. Has anyone else experienced this level of “anti-social” behavior now that they can do many of those tasks on the internet?


Professor Cyborg said...

Is this an example of being anti-social or an informed consumer? How much of interacting with salespeople is socializing? Especially for expensive purchases, I do a lot of online research before buying and I often shop online. The internet has given consumers new ways to shop and new ways to become more informed. Humans are still inherently social. Now we just socialize in different ways.

violet said...

Its a very good example but i dont think this is an antisocial behavior. I think we have becomes used to buying things ourself without the intrusion of anyone. All the information about the product is available and there is no necessity of anyone giving us extra information. And we are habituated to getting things by ourself and not ask anyone for it.

Anonymous said...

The only reason I don't shop online more is because I'm impatient and don't like waiting for things to be shipped. But I rarely talked with salespeople before the advent of online shopping, and I rarely do now unless I'm making a major purchase; I know what I like, and most of the time I've done the research into what I'm buying before ever setting foot in the store. As far as other informational tasks go, I am one of those odd phone-phobic people who gets nervous just ordering a pizza or calling a store to find out how late they're open. The internet has been extremely useful for finding that sort of information and subsequently reducing the amount of anxiety in my life (and, as I can say from experience, reducing the amount of irritation for overworked clerks and receptionists who would rather use their time on more social or complex communication).

Sree said...

I do not think that this behavior is anti social. I think buying or shopping online gives us a better chance at make the right purchase.

We can still socialize by writing reviews for products we purchase or by commenting about the experience with purchase at a particular site or vendor. This provides other buyers helpful information which I think is a social favor to other people in the community. The best thing here is the community is not limited geographically. You comments or review might help some one even living in another continent.