Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fear as Power

On page 251 there is a list of the bases of powers. There is power because of the ability to reward, to punish, because of a position, given power, and through knowledge. I think I would add one more to this list power through fear. My old boss, which I have talk about many times, used fear for power. She would yell and scream to get her way, like a spoiled little brat. And in order to avoid the yelling match everyone would just do what she wanted and never question her decisions. She used this anger and fear to her benefit. This is similar to the power a dictator or terrorist uses. Often people follow these individuals because they are afraid of what would happen if they didn’t.


Sree said...

Unlike some of the other bases for power, I think fear as power will not be able to sustain its position for long. People might do things so at to avoid the yelling s etc., but people who are really good might get irritated with it and leave the company once they find new jobs, as when the really good people leave the people who were stuck because they are not able to find better jobs or for any other reason become more important and they start realizing that they do not have to deal with their managers yelling and might start developing the power of their own.

violet said...

Well she certainly does not sound like a boss i would want to have. Well i think fear is important up to an extent such as a child has a little fear of its parents and hence does not do certain things that the parents ask it not to do. But i think in an organization fear should not be the major factor of one doing his/her work. But i agree that fear is a factor that should be considered and this is a very interesting analysis

Anonymous said...

I believe that the power you are speaking of is in fact coercive power. I believe that this type of power when used inappropriately can negatively instill fear the minds of employees. I say negatively because employees should not be afraid of their bosses or what they might do to them. Rather, there should be an understanding that there are consequences for certain actions.
I’m sorry to hear that you had to go through this terrible experience at work. It sounds like your boss was a horrible leader who probably didn’t have much success. I wouldn’t have been able to put up with her yelling and screaming.