Sunday, September 7, 2008

Balancing it all

This blog is off topic. I have missed the final blog and comment for the second week of class.

We are all in Master's programs probably working full time and trying to balance it all. I have learned to cope with finding balance between my schooling, busy schedule at work, and settling into my life in a new home with my fiance. But what happens when all of a sudden life gets in the way of your flow. Two weeks ago both my fiance and I found out that my grandmother and his grandfather were very ill and would be passing soon. I rushed off to Tennessee last weekend to see my grandmother before she passed and he spent time with his family trying to keep them positive. Well in some sad stroke of fate both of our grandparents passed away on Saturday evening, six hours apart. We are both mourning the loss of family and trying to be strong for out parents who have lost a mother and a father today. I personally feel entirely overwhelmed and worn out. I don't know how to stay strong for them while keeping the balance that I have gotten used to. My balance was thrown off this week and I am interested to hear how others have learned to deal with the curve balls that life throws us.


Hapa said...

"I am interested to hear how others have learned to deal with the curve balls that life throws us."

Ice cream. Lots of ice cream... ;)

I'm truly sorry to hear of your loss. Grades and homework are so insignificant when compared to the well-being of you & your family. My condolences and I wish you all the best.

As far as dealing with curve balls, everyone handles stress, grief, etc. differently. Personally, I get away. Not run away from problems, but go somewhere to step away from things and get a better perspective. It becomes more convoluted when you have to be the support while grieving yourself.

Sometimes, only time will help...

Take care.

Ibirapuera said...

I am very sorry to hear about your loss!

Hapa is absolutely correct when he says that schooling and other material things are very superficial, if compared to our families.

I am also trying to manage my job, 3 classes, and of course, my marriage - which among all is the most important to me! It's challenging, I know.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. God bless you!!!


Professor Cyborg said...

I am so sorry to learn of the passing of your grandparents. I know this is a difficult time and it may seem like school is insignificant. But I'm sure your grandparents were very proud of your efforts; not many people are admitted to and complete a master's program. My grandparents always stressed the importance of education and were proud of all their grandchildren's academic achievements.

Like Hapa, I try to take some time for myself when the tasks I have to do seem overwhelming. Or spend an evening with friends to touch base and get outside myself.

As Angie said, juggling the many demands of life is challenging. So we all do the best we can.