Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Manager as a Leader

The book stated that there is a difference between management and leadership but I feel that a manger can also be a leader and in fact that they should be. I agree that there is a difference between the two in certain instances but I think that an important aspect of managing is also being able to lead. I think that is why the two are often used interchangeably. I believe that as a manger you can guide and serve as a mentor for those that report to you but in order to allow your direct reports to feel that they are contributing to a bigger picture a manager also has to lead them in the right direction. The two really do go hand in hand. A mother can assign chores to her child but if she is not able to be a leader and teach her children why those chores are important and why they have been assigned then she has only created little worker bees and not competent future leaders.


violet said...

I agree with you. I think a big part of being a manager is to be a good leader as well. A manager has to not only manage the work but also the employees. And to be able to manage people working under him/her, the manager has to be a good leader so that he can direct the employees in the direction of success.

Sree said...

I agree with you good leaders will make good managers. For normal employees in any organization they look up to their managers for leadership. I think a manager has a lot of influence on the people who work under him. Proper guidance and leadership will not only help him, it will also make everyone under him better. You provide a very good example of mother assigning chores to her child. For managers its necessary to explain people why they are asking to do a certain thing rather than just ordering people do things. By explaining you make them feel involved in the process.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a big difference between management and leadership. From my understanding, you can manage numbers and jobs, but you shouldn’t manage people – you should lead people. I believe that all managers have the ability to lead their subordinates, but not all managers are leaders.

Leadership is the capacity to influence people and lead them towards a set of goals. However, not all managers are leaders. I agree with you because I believe that if managers have this “capacity to influence” their subordinates, they should use it.

However, I don’t agree with the last comment. Leading people (inspiring, motivating, mentoring, and guiding them towards goal) is a different skill than management. I believe that just because someone is a natural leader doesn’t automatically mean that they are good at managing.