Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Technology and Conflicting Identities

When I read this section I immediately thought about how new technologies such as My Space and Facebook have revealed the different identities that people have between work and life and how this can effect them in their work. Many companies these days will Google a potential employee and look at their MySpace and Facebook pages to see if what they present on their resume and what the represent in other parts of their life match and also if the identity that they present outside of the workplace matches that of the company. A person can go in for an interview, speak to how they are hard working and responsible and that they take pride in every aspect of their life but then their MySpace page has photos of them out with friends drinking and acting crazy or their “friends” have pictures of this and it reflects badly on both the potential employee and the potential company. Career Counselors are now suggesting to new graduates entering the workplace that they delete their social networking pages or at least ensure that they are cleaned up and “grown up” because potential employers will be looking for a conflict in work, personal, and corporate identities.


Sree said...

You make a very important point. We all should make sure our online profiles or blogs etc., are in accordance with what how we think we want to portray ourselves to everyone and this should include potential future employers etc.,

A recent article on this issue:;_ylt=AvT7pLOeMqrDUVNNmqRUqKfWn414
mentions 1 out of 5 employers research their employees online.

Even in my friends when we talk about someone new at work or someone we just came to know. Lot of us normally just go online in Face book, Mys pace, Orkut etc and see who they are.
The simple rule is to make sure there should not be any details that are not necessary online. Simple rules like cleaning up all the messages etc., making sure the privacy setting are strict etc., will help.

violet said...

Thats an interesting point. Technology has pros and cons, but i think its not fair that employers would actually look up in their possible candidate's facebook profile to take a decision or make an impression on them. I mean may be people are having fun and that in no way means that they will not be good employees. But this is how our system works and people are judged on every single move. Like u mentioned it would be best if people kept their facebook profiles clean

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right, technology has it's pros and cons. I have been hearing more and more, through the news and other people, that companies are using these social networks to research applicants and make decisions based on their profiles. I think it's amazing that 1 in 5 companies use this practice! This is the age of information. Companies are going to do everything they can to keep their image looking good and I think they have every right to research potential employees. If someone doesn't get hired because of obscene pictures on their profile, I believe it is 100% their fault – they should have never posted it in the first place!